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Did you know these 5 things were discovered just by mistake or accident?

by endroar

Inventor: Alexander Fleming, Scottish physician and bacteriologist (1881–1955)

Year of Invention: ১৯২৮

What happened: At some point in the middle of his research on bacteria, Alexander Fleming went on vacation. Leave a dirty petri dish (a small laboratory dish) with the lab sink before going on vacation. After returning from vacation, Fleming noticed that the discarded petri dish was full of bacteria. Only the part where the Penicillium fungus had accumulated, there was no bacteria in that part!

Results: Two things happened as a result of this incident.

One. Penicillin was discovered from the fungus Penicillium.

Two. Fleming's wife Sarah Marion McElroy hired a housekeeper to keep the laboratory clean! And you know, penicillin was the first drug to work against bacterial infections. Penicillin is still used today.


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