Home Business The director of student welfare department was removed the day before the opening of Buet

The director of student welfare department was removed the day before the opening of Buet

by endroar

Professor Mizanur Rahman of Civil Engineering Department of BUET was in charge of the director of the student welfare department of the university from June 30, 2019. He is currently also the President of BUET Teachers Association.

According to the notice signed by the registrar of BUET, Professor Mohammad Al Amin Siddique of the University's Civil Engineering Department has been appointed to perform the additional duties of Director of Student Welfare Department from the date of joining until further notice. He will get allowances and facilities as per rules for performing these additional duties.

In the circular, Mizanur Rahman has been requested to hand over the responsibility to the newly appointed DSW Al Amin Siddique.


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