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Karl Marx quotes

by Munmun Moni
Karl Marx quotes
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Karl Marx quotes

The proletariat has nothing to lose except their chains.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

The theory of the Communists can be summarized as follows: Abolition private property

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

It is a shocking idea that we are planning to abolish private property. Your society is already rid of private property for nine-tenths. The existence of private property for a few is due to its nonexistence in the hands nine-tenths. We will be criticized for our intention to abolish a form property that is essential for society’s survival.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

Communism doesn’t deny any man the right to the fruits and results of his labor. Only thing that it takes away from him is his ability to enslave other people through such appropriations.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

The bourgeoisie is constantly in search of new markets for their products. It must settle everywhere, nestle everywhere, and establish connections everywhere.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

Capitalist production therefore develops technology and the combination of different processes into a single social whole. However, it does so only by sapping all the original sources for wealth, the soil and the worker.

KARL Mark, Capital

All forms of society have been founded… on the hatred of oppressing and oppressed class.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

The past can be a nightmare for the future.

KARL MARX 18th Brumaire under Louis Bonaparte

As soon as one person is stopped exploiting another, so will the exploitation and exploitations of other nations. As long as there is no more animosity between classes in a nation, all hostilities will cease.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

Socialism is possible only if democracy is practiced.


Christian Socialism can be described as the holy water that the priest uses to consecrate the heart-burnings and desires of the aristocrat.

KARL MARX The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx quotes

Karl Marx quotes

Religion is the sighing and pleading of the oppressed. It is also the heart of an empty world and the soul of lifeless conditions. It is the opium that the people need.

KARL MARX Criticism of Hegel’s “Philosophy of Right”

It is not unusual for great historical facts or persons to occur twice: once as tragedy, and then again as farce.

KARL MARX 18th Brumaire under Louis Bonaparte

A spider performs operations that are similar to those of a weaver. And a bee makes many an architect look bad when it comes to the construction of her cells. What separates the worst from the best architects is that they build their structures in their imaginations before they actually build them.


Capital is dead labor. Vampire-like, it lives by sucking alive labor. The more it suckers the more labor it takes, the worse it gets.


I hate money. Money is why we fight.


You can get to Hell by having good intentions.


Capital is money, and capital is commodities By virtue it being valuable, it has gained the occult power to add value. It can produce living offspring, or at least golden eggs.


The working man doesn’t sell his Labor but his Laboring Power. He makes temporary disposition of it and transfers it to the capitalist. It is clear that this is the case. I don’t know if it is the English Law, or Continental Laws that limit how long a man may sell his laboring ability. Slavery could be instantly restored if the sale was allowed for an indefinite period. For example, if he sold it during his lifetime, he would immediately become a lifelong slave to his employer.

KARL MARX Value and Price, and Profit

Capitalists are determined to grab as much as they can. It is important to not only talk about his will, we must also inquire about his power and its limits as well as the character of those power limits.

KARL MARX Value and Price, and Profit

From each one according to his capabilities to each according his needs.

KARL MARX The Criticism for the Gotha Program

Hard cash can be found under the ideal balance of values.

KARL MARX, Das Capital

Scientist truth is always paradox if it is compared to everyday experience which only catches the elusive appearance of things.

Karl Marx quotes

Karl Marx quotes

KARL MARX Value and Price, and Profit

The method of producing material life affects the social, intellectual and political life processes in general. Their being is not determined by their consciousness, but rather their social being.

KARL MARX. Preface, Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy

A commodity has value because it is the result of the crystallization and labor of social workers. Its relative value or the magnitude of its value is determined by the amount of social substance in it, which is to say, how many labor hours are required for its production.

KARL MARX Value and Price, and Profit

Political Economy views the proletarian…like a horse. He must get enough to be able to work. It doesn’t consider him a human being when he isn’t working.

KARL MARX, Paris Manuscripts

You can have a large house or a small one, but as long as all the houses around it are small, it will satisfy every social need for habitation. If a palace is built next to the tiny house, the house will become a hut. This little house makes it very clear that its occupant has no social status to maintain, or is insignificant. And regardless of whether the nearby palace rises in civilization, the relative small house will remain more uncomfortable, less satisfied, and cramped within its four walls.

KARLMARX, Wage Labor and Capital

Language, like consciousness comes from the basic human need. It is the most intimate interaction with another person.

KARL MARX The German Ideology

You cannot see the diamond as a commodity. If it serves a purpose-value, aesthetic, or mechanical, on the breast or in the hand a glasscutter it is a diamond, and not a commodities.

KARL MARCX, Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy

Men can make their history but they cannot make it what they like.

KARL MARX The Eighteenth Brumaire from Louis Bonaparte

The object’s worker invests his life in it; however, now the object no longer belongs to him.

KARL MARX “Alienated Labor”, Economic, Philosophic Manuscripts

Money is a form of necessity that forms in the course and exchanges.

KARL MARX, Das Capital

As soon as labor distribution begins, every man has an exclusive activity that he must do. He is a hunter and fisherman and a shepherd. If he doesn’t want to lose his means for livelihood, he must stay that way. However, in communist societies, where everyone has an exclusive sphere of activity and can achieve any other, society regulates the general production. I can hunt in my morning, fish in the afternoon, raise cattle in the evening and criticize after dinner just like I had in mind.

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